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Fresh has the right student home for you.

Student accommodation that’s perfect for your new adventure.

Voted Best Private Halls Provider 2021 with a satisfaction rating of 95%, Fresh is the perfect choice to ensure you enjoy the very best living experience during your studies. Our friendly, experienced Residents’ Teams are on hand to support you, keep you safe and of course, help you have fun!

En Suite Studios & Shared Apartments

With a choice of amazing en suite rooms in shared apartments, self-contained studios and 1-bed apartments in over 60 locations across the UK and Ireland’s best student cities, all located with excellent transportation links to the local university campuses and city centres, Fresh has the right student home for you. Whichever option you choose, you can be confident that our apartments are Covid-secure, include high-speed broadband, all bills* and Wi-Fi, an on-site Residents’ Team, social events and amazing social areas. Some are also offering flexible tenancies* including short-term lets with tenancy start dates to suit you for this academic year.


Our accommodation can be found in cities including Aberdeen, Bath, Belfast, Birmingham, Bournemouth, Brighton, Bristol, Canterbury, Cardiff, Chester, Coventry, Dublin, Durham, Edinburgh, Exeter, Glasgow, Galway, Kingston, Leeds, Leicester, Liverpool, London, Loughborough, Newcastle, Norwich, Oxford, Paisley, Sheffield, Stirling, Stoke-on-Trent and Swansea.

So, if you’re planning on studying at any of these cities in September 2022, or for this academic year, Fresh has room for you. Book your room with Fresh today and be assured of a warm welcome and unbeatable experience!

*T&Cs apply. See website for details.

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